Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much! - Helen Keller

VOTE ~ Election Day November 7
Victoria Opthof-Cordaro
Priscilla deLeon
Laura Ray
Lower Saucon Township Council
Our Vision
We will foster an atmosphere of respect and cooperation in Lower Saucon Township. We pledge to be a responsive Council that's transparent and communicates with all residents. We will build strong partnerships in our community because we are Saucon Valley Together!
There has been a lot of "less than accurate" information being mailed to residents, shared at meetings, on the township website (until removed) and on a new website that charades as "real" news. Here's some fact-checking done using the Township's audited financial reports and other legitimate sources of information for reference.
Library Services
We pledge to work to reestablish a long-term agreement with Hellertown Area Library (HAL). Our Township is the largest municipality in the Lehigh Valley

Landfill Expansion
We are opposed to rezoning Lower Saucon’s natural heritage areas for the landfill. The Council majority has turned its back on decades of council

Resident Input
We will immediately enact a new public comment policy that honors your 1st amendment right to free speech.

Responsible Development
We will work to revitalize our commercial areas and attract new businesses to Lower Saucon Township. We oppose rezoning areas of our township that do

Community Relations
We will work to improve the relationship with our neighboring municipalities by reviving the Saucon Valley Partnership between Lower

Police & Emergency Services
We support funding our police and volunteer fire company. We are grateful to be served by the many volunteers of Lower Saucon Fire Rescue 16 as well as